We help your physician find the right clinical trial for you

Invite your physician to Trialing so that he or she can keep up to date with all clinical trials.
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Download the instructions for your physician

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Download the instructions for your physician

Trialing home app

Trialing is a free universal clinical trial search and patient referral platform designed for healthcare professionals. We try to make it easy for your physician to identify the right trial for each patient in the most efficient way and it is now a commonly used tool.

You as a patient can invite your physician to use Trialing to explore the clinical trials available for your specific situation. We feel that this shared process may yield the best results in finding a trial that is right for you, if it is currently available.

In this section we provide a PDF document and a QR for patients to introduce them to their physicians so they can download the app and start using Trialing.

Share this QR code with your physician to get them to start using Trialing

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Download the instructions for your physician

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Download the instructions for your physician

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